Free, 100% Vanilla
Prefix: [Member]
Chat Color: Gray
By registering a new name on the server you're going to be assigned the default Member rank. It does not include any perks.
How to get this rank?
You can receive the Veteran rank by remaining online for more than 5 days (120) hours.
The respected Veteran rank allows users to check other players /playtime view <name>.
Prefix: [Veteran]
Chat Color: White
Prefix: [Admiral]
Chat Color: White
Death Coordinates
No AFK Kick
How to get this rank?
Remain alive for more than 70 hours. Dying will restart the /timealive timer, but once you've got the rank, dying will NOT remove it.
Once Admiral, you will always receive a private message of your death location coordinates in chat. The rank also allows Admirals to check other players /timealive view <name>.
How to get this rank?
Donate a minimum of $5 for 1 month of premium. Donating more than the monthly price will increase your premium time accordingly.
The premium rank combines the perks of both Veteran and Admiral. In addition, premium players have a Priority Queue. Donators also get their username skin head as a pleaceable block.
Make sure to read our Terms of Service before donating. Any donations will be used to support and develop the server for a better player experience.